


Time-varying simulation of fluid dynamic pressure in oil pipelines under ground motion
WENG Guangyuan1,2,ZHAI Yao1,2,ZHENG Jie1,2,ZHAO Kejie1,2

1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Shiyou University

oil pipeline, fluid-structure interaction, ground motion, fluid medium, dynamic pressure

DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2025.01.009


【目的】输油管道一旦受地震影响,将会发生位移变化,揭示地震动作用下输油管道中流体动压力随输送介质液面高度、管径等影响因素的时变机理及沿管道长度方向的分布特点尤为重要。【方法】以跨度为6m的简支跨越管道与原油介质组成的管道-流体耦合系统为研究对象,建立了5种模拟地震诱发动压力的有限元计算模型,分别设置了模型的初始条件、地震波加载条件以及原油液面的边界条件,提取不同管道外径及不同液面高度下管内流体的动压力30s时程反应,得到了管道同一截面动压力随时间的分布云图、沿管道长度方向的动压力分布曲线及关键节点的时程曲线。【结果】管道内流体开始流动后的动压力在第10s达到稳定状态;输入地震动时程参数后,动压力在管道长度方向的分布不均匀,跨中区域变化最显著,管道同一截面上不同节点动压力峰值最大相差约4.5倍;原油介质的液面高度对地震动引起的动压力有较大影响,同样条件下地震动引起的动压力随液面高度增大而减小;内径为1118mm的管道内原油由于流动引起的动压力最小,但在地震动作用下,动压力变化最为显著。【结论】研究成果可为地震动作用下输油管道中流体动压力测试及输油管道抗震设计提供理论依据。(图 10表2,参[26]
[Objective] Upon being subjected to seismic activity, oil pipelines will undergo significant displacement alterations. It is crucial to understand the distribution characteristics of the fluid dynamic pressure along the pipeline length and its time-varying mechanisms affected by factors such as the liquid level of transmission medium and pipe diameter under ground motion. [Methods] This study examined a fluid-pipe interaction system consisting of a simply-supported crossover pipeline with a 6 m span and transporting crude oil. Five finite element models were developed to simulate seismically induced dynamic pressure. By setting up respectively the initial conditions of the models, the seismic wave loading conditions and the boundary conditions of crude oil liquid level, the 30-second time-history responses of the fluid dynamic pressure were analyzed under varying pipe outer diameters and liquid levels. Results included dynamic pressure distribution nephograms over time for the same section, pressure distribution curves along the pipeline length, and time-history curves for key nodes. [Results] The dynamic pressure in the pipeline reached a steady state 10 seconds after the fluid flow began. Upon inputting the ground motion time-history parameters, the dynamic pressure distribution along the pipeline length was uneven, with the most significant changes occurring in the mid-span area. The maximum difference between peak dynamic pressure values at different nodes on the same section was approximately 4.5 times. The liquid level of the crude oil significantly influenced the dynamic pressure induced by ground motion, with higher liquid levels corresponding to lower dynamic pressure under the same conditions. In pipes with an inner diameter of 1,118 mm, the dynamic pressure from crude oil flow was the lowest, but exhibited the greatest variability under ground motion.[Conclusion] The research findings offer a theoretical basis for testing fluid dynamic pressure under ground motion and for the seismic design of oil pipelines. (10 Figures, 2 Tables, 26 References)