


Effect of glass fiber composite structure on external crack arrest performance of CO2 pipeline
CHEN Bing1,2,FU Ziyan1,2,XU Menglin1,2,WANG Xiangzeng3,QI Wenjiao1,2

1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Shiyou University; 2.Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), crack arrest structure, CO2 pipeline, glass fiber, crack arrest performance

DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2025.01.003


【目的】碳捕集、利用与封存(Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage, CCUS)是目前中国实现“双碳”战略目标的关键技术,CO2管输则是实现规模化CCUS的重要环节。CO2管道本身存在各类缺陷,受CO2特殊的减压特性及管道内压的影响,管道缺陷发展成初始裂纹并产生延性扩展的风险大大增加,严重威胁管道运输安全。【方法】为使CO2管道实现有效止裂,采用有限元软件ANSYS建立玻璃纤维复合材料外部止裂结构模型,基于EPRI(Electric Power Research Institute)的J积分理论公式与应力分布理论计算公式对所建模型进行可靠性验证,分析外部止裂结构铺设角度、铺设厚度、铺设长度、管道径厚比以及裂纹尺寸等因素对其止裂性能的影响,最后结合延长油田400×104t/a超临界CO2输送方案的L21管道对外部止裂结构模型进行评估。【结果】玻璃纤维复合材料外部止裂结构可以有效转移并承担管道所受应力,降低管道发生延性断裂的风险;止裂结构铺设厚度、铺设长度、管道径厚比及裂纹尺寸均与止裂性能正相关,而铺设角度则存在最优值。止裂结构的止裂性能由各影响因素共同决定,其中铺设厚度的影响最大,而铺设角度的影响最小。止裂结构的最佳性能尺寸为:铺设厚度与管道壁厚相等、铺设长度为0.8倍管道外径、铺设角度为60°。【结论】铺设厚度为12mm、长度为326mm的外部止裂结构可有效阻止L21管道的延性断裂,研究结果可为外部止裂结构的设计提供理论基础与参考范例。(图 13表8,参[28]
[Objective] Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) is regarded as a key technology essential for China to achieve its“carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” objectives. CO2 pipeline transportation is considered an important element in realizing large-scale CCUS. However, due to various defects in CO2 pipelines, the unique decompression characteristics of CO2, and the influence of internal pipeline pressure, these pipelines face significantly elevated hazards of defects evolving into initial cracks and leading to ductile propagation, which poses a serious threat to the safety of pipeline transportation. [Methods] Aimed at achieving effective crack arrest for CO2 pipelines, a model of external crack arrest structures made from glass fiber composites was developed using the finite element software ANSYS. The reliability of this model was verified using the J-integral theory formula developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the stress distribution theory formula. Subsequently, the effects of various factors on the crack arrest performance of these external structures were analyzed, including paving angle, paving thickness, paving length, pipe diameter-to-thickness ratio, and crack size. Additionally, the developed model was evaluated for Pipeline L21, which is intended for the transportation of 400×104 t/a of supercritical CO2 in the Yanchang Oilfield. [Results] The external crack arrest structures made from glass fiber composites were identified as effective in transferring and bearing stress on the pipeline, thereby mitigating the risk of ductile fracture. Paving thickness, paving length, pipe diameter-to-thickness ratio, and crack size were found to be positively correlated with crack arrest performance, while an optimal paving angle was consistently observed. Among various factors contributing to crack arrest performance, paving thickness had the greatest effect, whereas paving angle had the least impact. The optimal configurations for performance included a paving thickness equal to the pipe wall thickness, a paving length of 0.8 times the outer diameter of the pipe, and a paving angle of 60°. [Conclusion] Paving external crack arrest structures with a thickness of 12 mm and a length of 326 mm can effectively prevent ductile fracture in Pipeline L21. These research findings provide a theoretical basis and practical examples for the design of external crack arrest structures. (13 Figures, 8 Tables, 28 References)