


Internal corrosion failure behavior and preventive measures for crude oil gathering and transportation pipelines with seasonal blending shutdowns
WANG Shanzhe

Oil Production Plant, PetroChina Daqing Oilfield Co. Ltd.

water-blended pipeline, corrosion failure, corrosion prevention, gathering of water mixing stoppage, numerical simulation

DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2024.12.010


【目的】季节性停掺已成为原油集输系统优化运行、节能减碳及精细化管理的解决方案之一,但复杂物性流体介质及变工况运行将导致掺水管道失效概率增大,特别是其具有敷设倾角的特征区域成为了腐蚀失效的重点区域。相比于运行工况较为稳定的回油管道、注水管道,掺水管道的服役周期被严重削减,且失效更集中于冬季,影响集输系统运行,维修更换管道的综合成本更高。【方法】围绕季节性停掺管道的内腐蚀防护,基于对腐蚀管段、产物的介质特性分析,通过数值模拟方法研究对比了掺水运行与停掺过程特征区域的腐蚀失效行为,提出并评价了季节性停掺管道清水顶替和压缩空气扫线的腐蚀防控对策。【结果】电化学腐蚀与冲蚀协同贡献于掺水管道的内腐蚀行为,形成Fe2O3、FeS、CaCO3、MgCO3、CaSiO3、MgSiO3及SiO2等腐蚀产物,在季节性停掺运行中,受管道特征区域积液量、积液时长的影响,腐蚀失效特征明显;清水顶替和压缩空气扫线措施均能够有效抑制掺水管道停掺期间的腐蚀失效行为,在相同工况下,前者可使最大腐蚀速率平均降低85%,后者可使腐蚀深度平均减小65%。【结论】综合考虑措施防控效果及集输工艺设施的可操作性,清水顶替更具工程应用的适用性及前景。优选出季节性停掺管道清水顶替对策,研究结果可为油田原油集输系统完整性管理与安全高效运行提供依据与方法。(图 21表3,参[37]
[Objective] Seasonal blending shutdowns provide an effective solution for optimized operation, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and refined management of crude oil gathering and transportation systems. However, the complex physical properties of fluid media and varying operational conditions elevate the failure rate of water-blended pipelines, especially in characteristic segments with specific laying dip angles that are critical for corrosion failure. In contrast to other oil return and water injection pipelines with stable operational conditions, water-blended pipelines experience significantly reduced service cycles. Additionally, failures are more prevalent in winter, impacting the operation of gathering and transportation systems and resulting in higher overall costs for maintenance and replacement. [Methods] This study focused on the internal corrosion prevention of pipelines with seasonal blending shutdowns. Based on the analysis on the medium characteristics of corroded pipeline segments and products, the corrosion failure behaviors in characteristic segments during both water-blended operation and operation with blending shutdown were studied and compared through numerical simulation. In addition, the corrosion prevention and control countermeasures including clear water displacement and compressed air purging for pipelines with seasonal blending shutdowns were put forward and evaluated. [Results] Electrochemical corrosion and erosion collaboratively contribute to the internal corrosion behavior of water-blended pipelines, resulting in the formation of Fe2O3, FeS, CaCO3, MgCO3, CaSiO3, MgSiO3, and SiO2. During operation with seasonal blending shutdowns, corrosion failure characteristics become more pronounced due to the influence of liquid accumulation volume and duration in pipeline segments of corrosion features. Both clear water displacement and compressed air purging effectively inhibited corrosion failure in water-blended pipelines during blending shutdowns. Under identical operational conditions, clear water displacement could reduce the maximum corrosion rate by an average of 85%, while compressed air purging could decrease corrosion depth by an average of 65%. [Conclusion] Considering the effectiveness of the preventive measures and the operability of gathering and transportation facilities, clear water displacement is the more applicable and promising option for engineering applications. Therefore, the preference is given to clear water displacement for pipelines with seasonal blending shutdowns, providing a basis and method for the integrity management and safe, efficient operation of crude oil gathering and transportation systems in oilfields. (21 Figures, 3 Tables, 37 References)