Wang Wei,Zhang Xiaoping,Li Ming,et al.Investigation on phase behavior of the pipelining natural gas[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,,30():423-426.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2011.06.005]
[摘要]天然气气质对其管输相特性影响显著,相关研究可为解决管道析烃等问题提供依据。基于气-液相平衡理论,结合PR 状态方程和Van der Waals 混合规则,通过气- 液闪蒸计算,分析了天然气中
CH4 ~C7 组分变化对其相特性的影响规律。研究表明:CH4~C3 组分对天然气相特性影响不大,C4以上组分的影响相对较大;随着管输天然气中高碳数组分含量的增加,其相特性曲线明显偏移;重组分含量的少量增加,即可显著提高管输天然气的临界凝析压力和温度,影响天然气的相特性,其中C7、C8 组分的影响程度明显超过C6 组分,C8 组分的影响程度又明显超过C6、C7 组分。工程设计中仅根据C6+ 总量分析天然气相特性不够准确,有必要对天然气重组分特征化和拆分方法进行研究。
A [doi]A
Wang Wei; Zhang Xiaoping; Li Ming; et alWang Wei :Post-Doctoral Research Center of the China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau,CNPC,Lang fang,Hebei,065000;Beijing
Key Laboratory of Urban Oil & Gas Distribution Technology,China University of Petroleum,Beijing,102249.
[Abstract]Components of natural gas have significant influence on its phase behavior during pipeline transmission,while thorough
investigation on its phase behavior will help to avoid condensation and related hazards. Based on the gas-liquid equilibrium
theory and combined with PR state equation and Van der Waals mixing rules,the influence of C4-C7 components on the phase
behavior is analyzed by means of gas-liquid flashing calculation. Results show that the heavier components like butane,
pentane,hexane,etc. can significantly influence the phase behavior of natural gas,while the light components has less influence
on it. With the increase of the heavier components,the phase behavior curve has an obvious shift. The tiny raise of heavier
components will obviously enhance the critical condensation pressure and temperature of pipelined gas and influence the phase
behavior of gas. Among heavier components,the influence level of C7 and C8 is higher than C6,and C8 is higher than C7 and C6,
remarkably. In project design,It will be incomplete if C6+ total content is used to analyze the phase behavior of natural gas,and it
is necessary to study the characterigation of heavier components for natural gas and split method.
管输天然气是一种多组分的混合气体,该气组分复杂,其相特性不同于单一组分,体现为不同气质天然气表现出不同的相特征[1]。由于我国管输天然气的气质条件差异较大,例如龙岗、LNG 天然气气质条件好,其主要成分为轻组分;哈萨克斯坦、塔里木天然气中却含有相对较多的重组分,气质条件较差。因此,对天然气相特性进行准确分析有助于减少因析烃而产生的各种问题[1-6]。分析天然气不同组分对相特性的影响,有助于解决输气管道工艺设计和运行中的气质问题。
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