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常规的管道漏磁检测器无法满足长输变径管道的检测需求,故研制了一种可变径检测器的磁铁探头机械结构。新设计的磁铁探头机械结构采用浮动分块形式,通过在40~48 in(1 in=2.54 cm)可变径检测器一前一后交错布置探头,实现了整体磁路结构优化。通过磁化能力测试、机械性能测试及整机牵拉测试一系列试验表明:该机械结构具有足够的磁化强度,在变径管道中探头紧贴管内壁而不发生干涉,能够实现探头的全覆盖,并适应变径管道的通过能力要求。合理的浮动磁铁探头机械结构是油气变径管道腐蚀检测成功的前提,研究成果可为推动中国变径管道漏磁检测系列化技术的发展提供参考。(图7,表1,参20)
For the conventional magnetic flux leakage detector could not meet the requirements for inspection of long-distance oil and gas multi-diameter pipelines, a mechanical structure of magnet probe of multi-diameter detector was developed. The new structure is in the form of floating blocks, and the overall magnetic circuit structure is optimized by arranging probes in a staggered way in the 40-48 in (1 in = 2.54 cm) multi-diameter detector. As shown in the results of the magnetizing test, the mechanical test and the overall traction test, the mechanical structure has sufficient magnetization, and the probe is tightly close to the inner wall of the multi-diameter pipeline without any interference, capable of realizing the full coverage of the probe and adapting to the requirements of through capability of the multi-diameter pipeline. Generally, the reasonable mechanical structure of the floating magnet probe is the precondition for the successful corrosion inspection of oil and gas multi-diameter pipelines, and the research results will provide reference for promoting the development of the magnetic flux leakage inspection series technologies for the multi-diameter pipelines in China. (7 Figures, 1 Table, 20 References)
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作者简介:曾辉,男,1986 年生,工程师,2018 年博士毕业于机械科学研究总院机械设计及理论专业,现主要从事油气管道检测装备的研究工作。地址:河北省廊坊市广阳区爱民东道166 号,065000。电话:18632669957。