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PetroChina's efforts in localization of equipment for oil and gas pipelines are meaningful. In addition to compliance with relevant national policies, the efforts will help to ensure the energy security, improve the benefits of pipeline industry, and promote the development of national industry in China. In this paper, PetroChina's “government/industry/academic/research-oriented” 1+N mode for equipment localization is presented. Its achievements in localization of high strength pipeline steel, gas-driven and motor-driven natural gas compressors, and large-diameter ball valves are collected. Moreover, the progress in localization of 16 types of pipeline equipment (in 5 major categories, including oil pumps, key valves and actuators, and flow meters) is described. Finally, the future pipeline equipment localization of PetroChina is prospected.
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作者简介:谭东杰,高级工程师,1964年生,1987年毕业于抚顺石油学院自动化专业,现主要从事管道设备国产化与泄漏预警监测相关技术的研究工作。Tel: 0316-2073591, Email: