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为了有效回收液化天然气接收站产生的BOG, 减少BOG 的排放, 以国内某LNG 接收站的BOG 增压再液化工艺为例, 利用HYSYS 模拟设计工况下的运行参数, 通过分析混合制冷剂的甲烷含量及组分配比、BOG 压缩机出口压力、冷剂压缩机出口压力等参数对再液化系统的影响, 获得了混合制冷剂的推荐配比为甲烷24%、氮气12%、乙烯33%、异丁烷31%, 冷剂二级压缩机出口压力为4 300 kPa, BOG 二级压缩机出口压力为7 200 kPa, 节流压力为370 kPa。在上述条件下, 系统功耗为664.935 kW, 比以往降低了8.45%。
In order to effectively recycle the BOG produced by LNG terminal and reduce its emission, a simulation is made for the BOG compression and reliquefaction process in a LNG terminal in China. With the operating parameters under the HYSYS-simulated conditions, this paper analyzes the influences of some parameters on the reliquefaction system, including the methane content and component proportion of mixed refrigerant, outlet pressure of BOG compressor, and outlet pressure of refrigerant compressor. Accordingly, the recommended proportion of mixed refrigerant is: 24% methane, 12% nitrogen, 33% ethylene and 31% iso-butane; the outlet pressure of two-stage refrigerant compressor is 4 300 kPa, the outlet pressure of two-stage BOG compressor is 7 200 kPa and throttling pressure is 370 kPa. Under the above conditions, the system's power consumption is 664.935 kW, which is reduced by 8.45% from previous level.
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作者简介:王赟, 在读硕士生, 1988 年生, 2012 年毕业于重庆科技学院油气储运专业, 现主要从事天然气集输与处理技术的研究工作。Tel: 18782137092, Email: