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为优化 LNG 接收站 BOG 处理工艺, 降低整个接收站的功耗, 以外输量为 200 t/h、 储罐BOG 蒸发量为 3.04 t/h 的某 LNG 接收站为例, 对再冷凝工艺和直接压缩工艺两种典型的 BOG 处理工艺进行了功耗分析, 得出 BOG 压缩机和 LNG 高压泵的能耗为整个工艺的主要能耗。以降低LNG 接收站工艺功耗为目的, 运用 ASPEN-HYSYS 模拟软件对现有工艺流程进行了优化:在现有BOG 处理工艺的基础上, 通过对 LNG 进一步加压至高于外输压力, 靠气化后膨胀高压外输天然气做功来实现 BOG 的压缩和对 LNG 的加压。优化结果表明: BOG 直接压缩工艺和再冷凝工艺分别节约功耗1 616.27 kW 和1 270.64 kW。
[1]贾保印 白改玲.大气压变化对蒸发气压缩机处理能力的影响[J].油气储运,2016,35(预出版):1.
JIA Baoyin,BAI Gailing.Impacts of changes in atmospheric pressure to processing capacity of BOG compressor[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2016,35(预出版):1.
PENG Yanjian,ZHANG Chao,XIAO Li.Design on the arrangement program of LNG unloading pipeline crossing seawall[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2016,35(预出版):412.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2016.04.012]
[3]彭延建 张超 肖立.LNG 卸料管道穿堤布置方案的设计[J].油气储运,2016,35(预出版):1.
PENG Yanjian,ZHANG Chao,XIAO Li.Design on the arrangement program of LNG unloading pipeline crossing seawall[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2016,35(预出版):1.
WANG Yun,HE San,ZHAN Yonghui,et al.Simulated calculation of power consumption of the mobile small-scale BOG compression and reliquefaction plant[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2015,34(预出版):662.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2015.06.021]
XUE Qian,LIU Mingrui,XIAO Wentao,et al.Optimization and energy consumption analysis of BOG treatment processes in LNG terminal[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2016,35(预出版):376.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2016.04.005]
[6]周怀发 申永亮 张兴 刘铭刚.基于层次分析与集对分析法的LNG 槽车区风险评价[J].油气储运,2019,38(预出版):1.
ZHOU Huaifa,SHEN Yongliang,ZHANG Xing,et al.Risk assessment on LNG tanker loading region based on analytical hierarchy process and set pair analysis theory[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2019,38(预出版):1.
[7]徐波 段林杰 戴梦 李妍 闫锋 胡森.LNG 全运输系统运行可靠度计算方法[J].油气储运,2020,39(01):48.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2020.01.007]
XU Bo,DUAN Linjie,DAI Meng,et al.A calculation method for the operation reliability of LNG whole transportation system[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2020,39(预出版):48.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2020.01.007]
[8]远双杰 孟凡鹏 安云朋 董平省 孙立刚 崔亚梅 张效铭.LNG 接收站工程中外输首站的设计探讨及优化[J].油气储运,2020,39(10):1.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2020.10.014]
YUAN Shuangjie,MENG Fanpeng,AN Yunpeng,et al.Discussion and optimization of the design of the initial transportationstation in LNG receiving terminal project[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2020,39(预出版):1.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2020.10.014]