[1]余春雨 余春浩 刘刚 刘锐 杨放 秦阳 左丽丽 陈潜.天然气管网瞬态运行水力热力解耦仿真模型[J].油气储运,2025,44(05):1-14.
YU Chunyu,YU Chunhao,LIU Gang,et al.A transient operation simulation method of natural gas pipeline networks based on the decoupling of the hydraulic and thermal process[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2025,44(05):1-14.
- Title:
A transient operation simulation method of natural gas pipeline networks based on the decoupling of the hydraulic and thermal process
- 作者:
余春雨1 余春浩2 刘刚1 刘锐1 杨放1 秦阳1 左丽丽2 陈潜3
- Author(s):
YU Chunyu1; YU Chunhao1; LIU Gang1; LIU Rui1; YANG Fang1; QIN Yang1; ZUO Lili2; CHEN Qian3
- 关键词:
水力仿真子模型; 热力仿真子模型; 水力热力解耦模型; 时间递推法; 瞬态运行仿真
- Keywords:
hydraulic simulation sub-model; thermal simulation sub-model; hydraulic-thermal decoupling model; time recursion method; transient operational simulation
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
【目的】天然气管网瞬态运行仿真技术对管道供气调峰、经济安全运行及异常工况诊断至关重要。目前制约天然气管网瞬态运行仿真技术的难点在于时空变量非线性耦合规律复杂,亟需提高仿真过程计算效率。【方法】建立天然气管网水力热力解耦瞬态运行仿真模型:首先依据管流控制方程中水力、热力变量之间的耦合关系,分别构建水力仿真子模型与热力仿真子模型;采用时间递推法对整个瞬态时间域仿真,针对任意时步,将该时步初始时刻管网温度分布作为待求解时刻温度仿真计算的迭代初值,通过求解水力子模型得到管网压力、密度及质量流量分布,然后将其作为热力子模型的已知条件,通过热力子模型计算管网的温度与焓分布;以迭代前后的温度分布偏差是否满足精度要求作为是否跳出当前时步求解的判据,若满足要求,则当前时步仿真完成,否则以热力子模型计算出的温度分布作为水力子模型的已知条件,重复以上过程;最后通过时间递推,逐步完成后续所有时步的求解,得到整个时空域的水力热力运行参数演变规律。【结果】①结合算例,综合分析时空网格步长划分对计算速度与精度的影响,针对2.5 km、5 km及10 km这3种空间步长,分别选取30 s与60 s作为时间步长,结果表明5 km-30 s的组合可兼顾解耦模型的计算精度与效率;②时空步长一定时,以耦合模型仿真结果为基准,解耦模型求解出压力与温度的最大绝对偏差为0.003 MPa与0.1 K,计算时间缩短42%,表明该水力热力解耦模型具有高效性;③该解耦模型在多组边界条件下均表现出较好的适应性。【结论】天然气管网瞬态运行水力热力解耦仿真模型可以大幅度提高天然气管网动态仿真的计算效率,对于天然气管网瞬态运行仿真技术与智能管网调控机制探索具有重要的理论借鉴与技术支撑。
- Abstract:
[Objective] The transient operation simulation method of natural gas pipeline network is important for the peak-shaving of the natural gas pipeline, economical and safe operation regulation, and the diagnose of the abnormal scenarios. [Methods] Aiming at the complexity of the nonlinear coupling law of spatial and temporal variables and the long computation time in the transient simulation of pipeline network, this paper establishes a transient operation simulation model for natural gas pipeline network by the decoupling of hydraulic and thermal process based on the coupling relationship between hydraulic and thermal variables in the governing equations. Firstly, the hydraulic simulation sub-model and thermal simulation sub-model are established respectively. The hydraulic simulation sub-model consists of the continuity equation, momentum equation, density calculation equation at each node, pressure and flow rate relationship equations of connecting nodes, as well as the initial and boundary conditions of pressure and flow rate. The thermal simulation sub-model consists of the energy equation, enthalpy equation at each node, temperature relationship equation of connecting nodes, as well as initial and boundary conditions of temperature. The time recursion method is used to simulate the whole transient time domain. For each time step, the temperature profile of the pipeline network at the initial moment is taken as the iterative initial value of the temperature simulation at the moment to be solved. The pressure, density, and mass flow rate profiles of the pipeline network are obtained by solving the hydraulic sub-model. Then the profiles above are used as the given conditions to obtain the temperature and enthalpy profiles of the pipeline network by solving the thermal sub-model. The deviation of the two temperature profiles is used as the judgment to decide whether the calculation of this time step is completed. If the requirement is met, then the simulation is completed at this current time step, otherwise, the temperature profiles calculated by the thermal sub-model are used as the given conditions of the hydraulic sub-model, and the above process is repeated. Through the time recursion method, the solutions of all subsequent time steps are gradually completed, and the evolution law of the hydraulic-thermal operation parameters in the whole spatial and temporal domain can be obtained. [Results] ① Combined with the study case, the influence of the space-time grid step on the calculation speed and result accuracy is comprehensively analyzed: for the three spatial steps (2.5km, 5km, and 10km) and two temporal steps (30s and 60s), it is found that the combination of 5km-30s can take into account the calculation speed and accuracy of the decoupled model; ② When the spatial and temporal steps are constant, the maximum absolute deviations of pressure and temperature simulation solved by the decoupled model are 0.003MPa and 0.1K compared to the simulation results by the coupling model, and the computation time of the decoupled model can be shortened by 42% compared to that by the coupling model, which reflects the high efficiency of the decoupled model; ③The decoupled model are proven to hold good adaptability under multiple sets of boundary conditions. [Conclusion] The hydrothermal decoupling method proposed in this paper has important theoretical value and technical support for the exploration of the transient operational simulation technology of natural gas pipeline networks and intelligent pipeline network regulation mechanisms.