CAO Xuewen,ZHANG Xingwang,ZHANG Shibo,et al.Large-scale hydrogen liquefaction process and its thermodynamic cycle analysis[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2025,44(02):1-12.
- Title:
Large-scale hydrogen liquefaction process and its thermodynamic cycle analysis
- 作者:
曹学文; 张兴旺; 张师博; 王鹏深; 张睿; 边江
- Author(s):
CAO Xuewen; ZHANG Xingwang; ZHANG Shibo; WANG Pengshen; ZHANG Rui; BIAN Jiang
- 关键词:
氢液化; 㶲; 分析; HYSYS; 混合制冷剂
- Keywords:
Hydrogen liquefaction; Exergy analysis; HYSYS; Mixed refrigerant
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
【目的】氢气作为一种清洁高效的能源,可以满足未来的能源需求。为提高大型氢液化厂的生产效率并降低成本,构建了一种使用新型混合制冷剂的氢气液化工艺系统。【方法】该工艺为设计液氢产量120 t/d的大型氢气液化系统。系统采用液氮预冷、混合制冷剂为工质的逆布雷顿循环深冷,并通过换热器冷却与膨胀降温结合的方法共同完成氢气液化。利用Aspen HYSYS对工艺流程进行模拟计算与分析,通过敏感性分析与试错法结合确定系统流程中的关键参数。重点进行能量分析与㶲分析,并通过换热器复合曲线来体现液化过程性能。【结果】物质的量分数为12%氢气、7%氖气和81%氦气的混合制冷剂的㶲效率最高,该工况下的比能耗为6.99 kWh/kgLH2,性能系数为0.188 5,㶲效率为33.96%,系统的总㶲损失为273 8.8 kW,其中膨胀机的㶲损失占主要部分,且膨胀机的㶲效率随着温度的降低而降低。通过换热器复合曲线来约束换热器的最小温差,可使深冷段的换热器㶲效率普遍为90%以上。敏感性分析结果表示,进料氢气的压力与温度对系统的能耗影响不大。【结论】在氢气液化的深冷阶段,在以氦气为主要成分的混合制冷剂中加入适量的氢气与氖气可以降低系统的能耗并提高㶲效率。文章所提出的新型液化工艺设备投资少,结构紧凑,能耗较低,可为未来氢气液化工艺研究提供参考。
- Abstract:
[Objective] Hydrogen, as a clean and efficient energy source, can meet the energy needs of the future. In order to improve the productivity and reduce the cost of a large-scale hydrogen liquefaction plant, a hydrogen liquefaction process system with a new mixed refrigerant was constructed and analyzed. [Methods] The process is designed for a large hydrogen liquefaction process with a liquid hydrogen production capacity of 120 t/d. The system adopts liquid nitrogen pre-cooling, mixed refrigerant as the working mass of the inverse Brayton cycle deep cooling, and through the combination of heat exchanger cooling and expansion cooling together to complete the hydrogen liquefaction. The process is simulated and analyzed using Aspen HYSYS, while the key parameters of the system process are determined using a combination of sensitivity analysis and trial and error method. In addition, energy analysis and hydronium analysis were also focused on the proposed process, and the liquefaction process performance was represented by heat exchanger composite curves. [Results] The mixed refrigerant refrigeration with a preferred composition of 12% hydrogen, 7% neon and 81% helium has the highest hydronium efficiency, and the process has a specific energy consumption of 6.99 kWh/kgLH2, a coefficient of performance of 0.1885, and a hydronium efficiency of 33.96%, and the total hydronium loss of the system is 2,738.8 kW, of which the hydronium loss of the expander accounts for the main part, and the hydronium efficiency of the expander decreases with the temperature decreases. The heat exchanger composite curve to constrain the minimum temperature difference of the heat exchanger can make the heat exchanger efficiency of the deep cooling section generally above 90%. The results of the sensitivity analysis indicated that the pressure and temperature of the feed hydrogen had little influence on the energy consumption of this system. [Conclusion] In the deep cooling stage of hydrogen liquefaction, the addition of appropriate amounts of hydrogen and neon to the mixed refrigerant with helium as the main component can reduce the energy consumption and improve the energy efficiency of the system. The new liquefaction process equipment proposed in the study has low investment, compact structure and low energy consumption, which can provide a basis for future research by scholars.