WANG Xin,TAO Minfeng,YU Xulin,et al.Determination key parameters of waxy shale oil cold flow transportation process in the Fuxing[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2024,43(07):1-14.
- Title:
Determination key parameters of waxy shale oil cold flow transportation process in the Fuxing
- 作者:
王欣; 陶敏峰; 俞徐林; 王俊磊; 黄启玉; 谢成杰; 梁艳
- Author(s):
WANG Xin; TAO Minfeng; YU Xulin; WANG Junlei; HUANG Qiyu; XIE Chengjie; LIANG Yan
- 关键词:
含蜡页岩油; 黏壁规律; 黏壁温度; 冷输集输; 关键参数
- Keywords:
Waxy shale oil; wall sticking rule; wall sticking temperature; cold flow transportation; key parameter
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
[目的]中国石化复兴地区含凝析气轻质页岩油,具有凝点高、含蜡量高的特点,易凝易结蜡。随着页岩油气生产时间增加,油井产量、含水率显著下降,加之油区自然条件差、高程落差大等不利因素,给页岩油气冷输(析蜡点以下)集输工艺带来巨大技术挑战。[方法]在分析复兴含蜡页岩油基础物性的基础上,研究低温流动条件下的油品黏度、屈服应力变化规律及含蜡页岩油乳化特征,揭示页岩油低温流动特性。分析集输工艺过程热处理温度、含凝析气及剪切作用等因素对页岩油凝点的影响,并探究了不同含水率、不同溶气压力下的油品黏壁规律,得到影响管道安全输送的关键基础数据。[结果]复兴高含蜡页岩油为乳化能力较弱的轻质油,无法形成含水率大于20%的稳定乳状液,其黏度相对较低。热处理温度和剪切作用对该油品凝点几乎无影响,但油中轻组分的挥发性对凝点有很大影响,轻组分挥发会导致凝点大幅上升5 ℃。临界黏壁温度随着含水率升高呈下降趋势,变化范围为13~18 ℃,随着溶气压力的增加,低温流动条件下页岩油黏壁温度和黏度降低,流动性变好。冷输集输管道终点温度应高于临界黏壁温度,因此确定复兴高含蜡页岩油冷输集输终点最低温度为18 ℃,终点压力应不低于1.0 MPa。[结论]研究成果可为复兴地区高含蜡页岩油冷输集输工艺提供数据支撑,对高效开发非常规油气资源具有重要意义。
- Abstract:
Light shale oil containing mount of condensate gas in Fuxing Area is characterized by high freezing point (maximum 24 ℃) and wax content(maximum 22.4%), which is easy to condense and deposit at ambient temperature conditions. This oil field is mountainous area with huge change of elevation level and poor natural conditions. With oil and gas production time increasing, oil well production flow and water cut in shale oil are decreased significantly. These unfavorable factors bring great technical challenges to the gathering and transportation system of waxy shale oil through cold flow transportation (under the wax appearance temperature) technology. Based on the experimental analysis of the basic properties of the waxy shale oil, the oil viscosities, yield stress and emulsification characteristics studied, simulate the process effects by heating, condensate gas volatilizing and shear action on the condensate point, the wall sticking law of oil with different water cut and dissolved gas pressure are explored, and the main parameters affecting the flow assurance of flowline are gained. The results show that the waxy shale oil in the area is a light oil with a weak emulsifying ability, and unable to form a stable light shale oil emulsion of more than 20% water cut and it is with lower viscosity. Heating and shearing action have almost no effect on the freezing point of the oil, but the volatilization of light components in the oil has a great effect, the change of the freezing point brings about 5 ℃ increase. With the water cut in shale oil increasing, the critical wall sticking temperature is decreasing and it ranges from 13 ℃ to 18 ℃ at different water cut. Also, with the pressure of shale oil working increasing, the wall sticking temperature and viscosity of the oil are reduced at low flowing temperature. The landing temperature at the end of the cold flow transportation flowlines for the shale oil must be normally operating above the critical wall sticking temperature, the temperature of Taiye 1HF shall be 18 ℃, the landing pressure at the end of the lines should not be lower than 1.0 MPa. The research results can provide basic data support for the cold flow transportation process of high wax shale oil in Fuxing area, effectively reduce the energy consumption of the oil and gas gathering surface system, save the operating cost, and simplify the process, which is of great significance to the efficient development of unconventional oil and gas resources.
WANG Xin,TAO Minfeng,YU Xulin,et al.Determination of key parameters for gathering and transmission process of Fuxing highly waxy shale oil at low temperatures[J].Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation,2024,43(07):809.[doi:10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2024.07.010]